EEC | CCNY WtERT Conference 2022

Conference Dates:
Thursday, October 13th and
Friday, October 14th
The City College of New York
CUNY ASRC Building | South Campus
85 Saint Nicholas Avenue
New York, NY 10031
The Earth Engineering Center at CCNY - Waste to Energy Research & Technology Council Conference 2022
Make an additional donation
EEC/CCNY WtERT Conference 2022:
Conference: EEC Industry
Conference: EEC Government
Conference: EEC Student
Disclaimer: Event registrations help support and cover the expenses of the symposium. All payments are anticipated to completely cover the expenses of the symposium, however any funds that remain will be used for research at the Earth Engineering Center | CCNY to support our efforts on sustainable waste management projects.

Read more about
EEC | CCNY WtERT Conference
Registration Fees:
- Industry Registration $350
- Government Agencies Registration $100
- Student Registration $25
Please note: Participants interested in attending the awards dinner should select ticket option "Industry Registration" ($350).